Sunday, May 1, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - April 23rd-30th

Busy but wonderful week this week. Did a lot of scrubbing and cleaning but YAY for very rainy summer this year with cooler temperatures than normal and one afternoon spent with my toddler - him in a huge tub full of water and me with my feet dipped in.

1. Architecture
That shrine at a distance is a typical  Thai architecture that recur in buildings around here in many different materials.

2. Rimmed with Light
I had to research for this. If you notice my directional light (sun) is on the upper left revealed with a rimmed light around the grass and on my son's left shoulder.

3. Toes or Feet
This is an archive from August 2010. Took shots for this item this week but nothing like the cuteness of this one. I love baby feet!

4. This is My Favorite... to live in! I am a country girl and will always be. These are rice fields: foreground in yellow with ready for harvest rice, middle almost ripe, and the far field is still green. And oh the smell of growing rice! Why would anyone want to live in a big city? LOL!!!
SHS - This is My Favorite

5. Shade(s)
My sweet hubby in his 80's style shades. This was the style when we were teenagers!

Click on picture for more interpretations linked by other photographers at Ashley's blog:

Next week's items:

2. Sprouting
3. Isn't It Ironic?
4. Lazy
5. Smells Like Spring


Lenzey said...

I'm here for Scavenger Hunt Sunday, and I just wanted to say I adore your photos! Your architecture entry is stunning.

deb duty said...

These are all such awesome photos! The architecture and favorite are beautiful scenes and I love the rimmed in light! The toes are really cute too!

Carla Hutchins said...

Love the rimmed with light!

Bella Skye said...

Beautiful. Love the second shot!

Ashley Sisk said...

These are so great - that second shot is absolutely gorgeous!

Marla said...

Wonderful job. I adore you rimmed with light one. Beautiful.

Marla @

Abi said...

Oh, WOW! Every single one of these stand alone as a great image!

My Captivating Life said...

NIcely done! :)

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