Sunday, March 20, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - March13-19

Hello, friends! It is Scavenger Hunt Sunday again. I am early this week! Woohoo! It's only Saturday night and I am posting my Scavenger Hunt items. I think this is a record for me. I will wait for Ashley to post hers so I can publish mine and link to hers.

Anyhoo... here are the photos I came up with.

1. Camera Phone
My boys are taking a picture of themselves using my almost obsolete Nokia phone. It is pretty amazing that in this one snapshot, my boys' personalities are showing. What you see is who they are! I'll tell you a little secret too: This shot is staged. They did great, I think! :)

2. Camera
Yes... I'm using a D50. It's almost five years old but it is an excellent camera. It is my first and only dslr. I have not really gotten into it until about a year and half ago. Surprisingly, this is my first time to actually take a photo of my D50!!! I used my hubby's point and shoot for this shot.

3. Shoes
I am so blessed to be married to a great guy who's also a great daddy to our three sons. I think this picture is very sweet. It shows so much love.

4. Chair
Again, another staged pose. He is patiently watching his brothers and friends play frisbee while I take pictures of him. Take note: he has a mismatched pair of flip flops on.

5. Imperfection
Cracked, holed escargot - our neighbors' dinner. They left a whole bunch of shells out back on the ground. They were big! This one is the size of my fist.

For more interpretations of the above items, please visit Ashley Sisk's blog by clicking on the picture below.

Here are next week's items:
1. Decay
2. Groups of Three
3. Kitchen
4. Things that make you go "hmmm"
5. "Me" time


julie said...

Great shots...I really love your take on imperfection! :)

Nicole said...

I like all of your captures. The shell is my favorite.

Melissa said...

these are all great captures! I am smitten over the one of your kids taking their picture with your cell phone - it is a great shot.

Ashley Sisk said...

Really great job - I especially love your cell phone shot.

Buckeroomama said...

Beautiful shots, Darlene! You captured such a sweet moment in that Shoes shot. :)

Becki said...

I love all of these! The colors in the chair shot are stunning and the camera phone shot is perfect!

Marla said...

These are great. I love, love the first one. It's adorable and just screams boy. :)

Marla @

Unknown said...

Love your shoes photo! Great capture!

Cecily R said...

Your camera phone shot is perrrrfect LOVE the shoes/Daddy picture.

So I say...Living Life to the Fullest said...

The shot with your boys is precious. Who cares if it was staged. :)

Kimberly Gauthier, Dog Nutrition Blogger for Keep the Tail Wagging said...

These are fantastic! I love the camera phone shot!!

Car said...

Great photos, though I Shudder at the sizeof that snail shell :o

rapunzel said...

Great shots, especially camera phone and imperfections. That a big shell!!!

scrapinbabygal said...

Awesome shots!! love the staged kid photo and the snail one!!

Jennifer said...

These are gorgeous interpretations! Love the camera phone shot!

And just in case you are interested, I'm hosting a new linkie at my site called Fabulous Friday. I'd love it if you would participate!

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